23.02.2025 - 09:33
Poziv studentima i nastavnicima koji žele svoje predmete inkorporirati u European Track. Naime, European Track je dodatna diploma koju mogu dobiti studenti tijekom svog razdoblja  studiranja tako što biraju predmete koji nose EUT zvjezdicu. Po završetku, dobivaju certifikat koju izdaje alijansa EUPeace i koja nosi set kompetencija po pitanju europskih vrijednosti.
Cijeli koncept je podijeljen na ova područja:
Intercultural Communication: Language competences; theories and practices of intercultural communication and exchange; relevant applications in research and professional contexts.
War and Peace: Peace and conflict studies; approaches to conflict resolution; (psychosocial) perspectives on trauma.
Democracy, Equitability, Justice: Theories of justice; the rule of law and democratic institutions; impact of technology on statecraft, government and governance.
Building Inclusive Societies: Disability and inclusion studies; intersectional approaches to inequalities; migration and multiculturalism.
Public Health and Bioethics: Public health policy, including health crisis (e.g. pandemic) responses; IT and AI in medicine; medical ethics and bioethics in practice.
Technologies of Tomorrow: STEM solutions for societal and environmental challenges; regulation of new and emerging technologies; the ethics of new and emerging technologies.
Sustainability in Action: Climate change; sustainable energy transitions; economics of environmental policies; dimensions of sustainability (ecological, economic, social).
Nastoji ostvariti neke od ovih ishoda:
identify and explain dimensions of at least one of the Alliance core values of peace, justice or inclusive societies in the context of a subject or discipline;
discuss the influence of a subject-specific context on issues from at least one of the areas of peace, justice and inclusive societies;
communicate clearly and convincingly, orally and in writing, subject-specific perspectives on at least one of the areas/themes of peace, justice or inclusive societies;
analyse and critically interrogate complex problems related to at least one of the areas/themes of peace, justice or inclusive societies in relation to a subject-specific context or discipline and develop possible solutions or mitigations;
combine content and questions from different disciplines and use them to analyse complex problems in connection with at least one of the areas/themes of peace, justice or inclusive societies; communicate, learn and work in intercultural and foreign-language settings.
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