Quality System Management
Quality System Management
Quality System Office
In the May, 2012 Faculty of Economics, University of Mostarhas implemented quality management system ISO 9001:2008 and found its own quality system office whose vision is continious enhancement process at the Faculty of Economics. Office's task is coordination of all activities related to the enhancement process undelaining support to the strategy of contionious quality system process enhancement.
Quality System Management Comittee
Zdenko Klepić, PhD, Chairman, management representative
Katerina Malić Bandur, PhD, Quality System Office manager, academic staff representative
Sandra Soče Kraljević, PhD, academic staff representative
Drago Damjanović, student representative
Marsela Škutor, administrative services representative
Quality Policy
Quality Policy of the Faculty of Economics, University of Mostar is based on the continious enhancement of business process, competitiveness, raising satisfaction of all parties in the process, excellence incentive, new business processes creation that will respond to the labour market needs and to the strong incentive organisational structure.
Facutly promotes mutual values of all parties in the business process In accordance with our mission and vision as well as with the highest national laws and international standards in the field of higher education. Aiming fullfilment of the mission and vision we continoulsly strive to
* Modernisation of study programmes in accordance with economy needs
* On-going monitoring of the efficacy of the studying process and corrective improvement measures
* Monitoring of academc staff efficacy based on student evaluations and coorective improvement measures
* Ensurienment of ethics, transparency and work objectiveness
* On-going and systematic reinforcement of the scientific and research work as well as supply and competitiveness of the professional work
* Continious reinformcement of the cooperation with othe faculties in Bosnia and Herzegovina and in the region
* influence and planning of changes in the organisational structure of all processes at the Faculty of Economics, University of Mostar for harmonisation with demands and needs of all parties in the process
* Continious analysis and reinforcement of the satisfaction of all parties in the process – students, academic staff, employees, economy and community
* Encouragement and continouos reinforcement of the academic excellence
* Encouragement and continouos reinforcement of the scientific criticsm
* Encouragement and continouos reinforcement of the organisational structure and inter-cultural tolerance
* Continious education of academic and non-academic personnel and organisational culture that accepts and implements excellence in all parts of process
* On-going monitoring of trends and guideliness in national and international higher education and scientific and research work
* On-going monitoring of trends and needs of the community and harmonisation of the business policy guideliness
* On-going ensurenment of the employement in accordance with the criteria of excellence
Mostar, 5 May, 2014
Mila Gadžić, PhD,
Quality Management System of the Faculty of Economics, Univeristy of Mostar is based on the adherance of all relevant regulations in the area of science and higher education; Standards and guideliness for quality assurance in the higher education (Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area ) and in ISO 9001:2008 provisions.

Faculty of Economics is committed to the improvement of its processes, especially teaching, scientific and research what is evident from the ISO 9001:2008 certificate from the 29 May, 2012. This certificate verifies that Quality Management System is in accordance with all requirements of ISO 9001:2008. Standard is applied to all processes at the Faculty of Economics – scientific, research, educational, administrative and managerial.
Faculty of Economics, Univeristy of Mostar Management is responsible for the quality managements system and all system related activities are coordinated by the representative of the quality system management who cooperates with the committees of the Faculty Council in charge for realisation and monitoring of the quality aims. The Committee for Teaching and Enhancement is the most active in all activities related to providing and managing the quality of the teaching, scientific and research process.
Quality Management System at the Faculty of Economics is defined in the following documents : Quality Mannual, Quality Policy and Aims, Procedures and Work Instructions. All documents are harmonised with the legal acts and European standards and guideliness for quality assurance in higher education. In the published Quality Policy Dean has emphasised the importance of constant reinforcement of all processes and activities aimed at continious meeting of the users' requirements with particular attention to the quality of their implementation. The process and procedureds define responsabilities for particular activities, measuring methods and analysis whose records are regulary maintained.