USAID MEASURE-BiH orientation training i poziv istraživačima
FINAL - CALL FOR RESEARCH FELLOWS (poziv istraživačima)
Foto galerija - Orjentacijska radionica Monitoring and Evaluation Support Activity u organizaciji USAID-a održana 22.5.2015. u amfiteatru Ekonomskog fakulteta
Monitoring and Evaluation Support Activity (MEASURE-BiH)
The Monitoring and Evaluation Support Activity (MEASURE-BiH) is a five-year activity of the U.S. Agency for International Development in Bosnia and Herzegovina (USAID/BiH) that highlights USAID’s commitment to the key principles and practices that foster a results-oriented culture in BiH. USAID MEASURE-BiH works to strengthen USAID’s monitoring and evaluation (M&E) oversight and also to ensure the establishment of a sustainable local capacity to conduct high quality independent evaluations and other studies. The skills to evaluate development interventions in BiH lend themselves to be transferred into skills to evaluate the impact of public policy, proposed legislation, and organic solutions to the challenges facing the country. Therefore, USAID MEASURE-BiH is developing local social science research and program evaluation capacity in BiH by establishing a new Center of Excellence to promote a public culture of independent and data-driven analysis, and to ensure that the next generation of BiH citizens and new cadre of political leaders can take advantage of rigorous and objective research methods. Working towards that aim, USAID MEASURE-BiH has prepared a multiyear training program for social science researchers and program evaluators.
The training program will be presented through a series of one-day orientation training sessions which will serve to orient potential training participants and present the first two years of the overall training program and its goals. The orientation training sessions’ venues and dates are as follows:
· 18 May 2015, School of Economics, Sarajevo
· 20 May 2015, University of Banja Luka, Banja Luka
· 22 May 2015, University of Mostar, Mostar
The one-day orientation is free of charge and applicants are asked to select the location where they will attend. Fluency in English is required in order to attend.
During the orientation training, participants will learn more about program evaluation courses and The George Washington University/The Evaluators’ Institute’s Certificate of Evaluation Practice program offered by USAID MEASURE-BiH. Our innovative training program will include courses on: Basics of Program Evaluation, M&E Frameworks and Fundamentals, Evaluation Methods: Overview of Quantitative and Qualitative Methodologies, Program Theory – Logic Models/LogFrames – Theory of Change Models, Needs Assessment – Implementation Analysis, Applied Measurement for Evaluation, Survey Methodology and Sampling Design, Evaluation Design (experimental and quasi-experimental), Applied Statistics, and Micro-econometrics.
Upon completion of this introductory training, all interested participants will be invited to apply for MEASURE-BiH multiyear training program. Their applications will be considered through an enrollment process that will be announced at the end of the orientation session. A Master’s Degree or above will be required to enroll in the long-term training program.
USAID MEASURE-BiH invites all interested candidates to register for the Overview of Multiyear Training Program in Program Evaluation. Please email your name and your preferred location to: no later than Friday, 8 May 2015.
For more information please contact USAID MEASURE-BiH office at or by phone: ++387 33 941 673