EY Future Leaders Program 2014 – „Learn Today – Lead Tomorrow“

Case study for students #PBL2014
Obavještavaju se studenti svih godina koji su zainteresirani za sudjelovanje u natjecanju za izradu case study ''The story of Mutariba Youngberry-Fruit&Young'' da dođu na sastanak u ponedjeljak 27.10. u 12 sati sala 111.
EY Belgrade is organizing case study competition for students for the second time and is pleased to invite all interested students from Serbia, Montenegro and Bosnia and Herzegovina to participate in "Learn Today - Lead Tomorrow" challenge.The program is conceived as a competition for teams of three, who will present their case studies for the task published on 13th October 2014 on our official Facebook page - EY Serbia Careers.
Interested applicants can send their CVs and proposition of their solution of the task (presentation in Power Point with a maximum of 15 slides) and, if any, additional materials to e-mail address hr.serbia@rs.ey.com until 1st November 2014 at 5 p.m. Completed applications may be submitted in English or local language, depending on the participants’ choice.
Consultations will be held at EY Belgrade office on 24th October 2014 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Please do submit application for consultation on the e-mail address: hr.serbia@rs.ey.com until 20th October 2014.
The Jury will select ten best solutions by 15th November 2014. Members of the selected teams will be allowed to attend EY workshop „Presentation Skills“, which will be held on 25th and 26th November in the EY office in Belgrade. This workshop is meant to help contestants in presenting their task solutions in the best possible way.
The deadline for submitting the final version of the task solution is 1st December 2014.
The final competition will be held on 4thof December at 13 p.m. at Auditorium of the Rectorate of the University of Belgrade.
The contestants of the top five teams will enter the EY scholarship selection process as well as a chance for employment in EY.
For more information contact us at: hr.serbia@rs.ey.com