Otvoren III. susret katedri za računovodstvo zemalja regije "Stanje i perspektive računovodstvene profesije u zemljama jugoistočne Europe - izazovi reforme"

Otvoren III. susret katedri za računovodstvo zemalja regije "Stanje i perspektive računovodstvene profesije u zemljama jugoistočne Europe - izazovi reforme"
U 17 sati u prostorima Eko Fis Vlašić otvoren je III. susret katedri za računovodstvo zemalja regije interkatedarskim skupom na kojem su predstavljene novine u radu katedri za računovodstvo u razdoblju od zadnjeg susreta.
U okviru interkatedarskog skupa predstavljena je monografija Računovodstvo, revizija i kontrola javnog sektora u odabranim državama jugoistočne Europe skupine autora.

Opening of the third meeting of the accounting departments of the countries in the region – “State and perspective of accounting proffession in the countries of Southeastern Europe – challenges and reforms “

The third meeting of the accounting departments of the countries in the region – “State and perspective of accounting proffession in the countries of Southeastern Europe – challenges and reforms “ has been opened today at the EKO –FIS Vlašić resort by inter-department meeting presenting accounting departments and their news and events. The publication “ Accounting, audit and control in public sector of selected countries of Southeastern Europe “ – group of authors has been represented within the inter-department meeting.