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Sightseeing of Mostar - 11th November 2011, in the late afternoon

Mostar is a cultural and economic center of Herzegovina, a city on a croosroads of different cultures and religions from the East and West that have left their mark on the architecture, lifestyle and customs.

Panoramic tour by bus will provide you with a perfect view of the city and the Old Bridge.

The visit of the Old Town from the 15th century, a Turkish house from the 17th century (Bišćević house) and one of the mosques (Karađoz-bey's, Koski-Mehmed Pasha Mosque) in the old part will take you back to the ancient times of the city.


Herzegovinian tour and wine tasting -  12th November 2011 from 12 pm

(It is optional and not included in the registration fee)

Herzegovina with its sub-Mediterranean and Mediterranean climate is a region where Mediterranean fruits and vegetables such as grapes, figs, pomegranates, olives, herbs, etc. grow, and because of this it is called California of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Precisely, because of this mild climate, Herzegovina is the only and the major producer of grapes and wine in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Two autochthonous varieties, Žilavka and Blatina, have found its place here since a long time, and give the yield and quality as nowhere else.

A half-day tour through Herzegovina will enable you to meet and to enjoy the richness of nature, culture and local flavors of the Herzegovina region.

The first destination after leaving Mostar is Blagaj, with the Europe’s largest karst source - the source of the river Buna. The dervish house or tekija will delight you with its combination of nature and culture.

Some 30 km to the south is Počitelj, the medieval town-museum, a town on the caravan road from the Ottoman period.


Our last destination on the Herzegovinian tour is the most famous and the most visited Marian sanctuary in Međugorje.


Wine tasting: tour of the vineyards, visit to a wine cellar, a brief history of winegrowing and the production of the two famous Herzegovinian wines, Žilavka and Blatina, tasting of wines, different brandies and cheese.


We recommend lunch in such an environment, which includes:

  • Starters

  • Main course-tepsija

  • Salad

  • Dessert

  • The price of the drinks includes the wine


Price per person:

        1. Modern air-conditioned bus, professional guide, wine tasting - 23 €

        2. Modern air-conditioned bus, professional guide, wine tasting, lunch - 34 €


Min. number of guests: 25


Copyright by: JMD - 2011.