Zadnja izmjena: 09 travnja, 2010pp







Poziv za objavu radova u Zborniku radova koji izdaje Ekonomski fakultet Sarajevo.


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A Call for Papers to Be Published in The Y2010 Zbornik radova/ Sarajevo
Business and Economics Review

Dear Colleagues,

Please be advised that you are kindly invited to submit your papers for publishing in Zbornik radova/ Sarajevo Business and Economics Review 30/2010 by School of Economics and Business in Sarajevo.

We would like to use this opportunity to inform you on the several innovations we have made in the Review aiming at positioning of our publication. From now on our Review will be titled as Sarajevo Business and Economics Review (SBER) and you will be invited for submitting your papers twice a year (in January/ February and August/ September). Thus, we are to double the periodicity of our Review which shall appear in October and April editions.

With special pride we remind you that Zbornik radova/ Sarajevo Business and Economics Review has met the indexation criteria and since 01.01.07 has become a part of the bibliographic base EBSCO PUBLISHING - BUSINESS SOURCE COMPLETE (Journals & Magazines) Please note that since 2009 Zbornik radova/ Sarajevo Business and Economics Review has also been incorporated into CEEOL (Central and Eastern European Library) base (

By obtaining indexation and becoming available to the wide international scientific community our Zbornik radova/ Sarajevo Business and Economics Review recorded a great success. However, such positioning obliged us to invest additional efforts and work on constant improvement of the published papers' quality.

Please find attached a Call for Papers to be Published in Zbornik radova/ Sarajevo Business and Economics Review 30/2010, including the precise instructions you should follow in the papers' preparation. Only the papers strictly following the given instructions shall be subject to review. All the papers will undergo a double blind reviewing. We shall publish the papers receiving the best critics.

We continue our tradition of publishing the papers prepared by the students of our Faculty. Find attached the instructions for the papers' submitting. Again, we shall publish the students' papers obtaining the best critics.

The Editorial Board of Zbornik radova/ Sarajevo Business and Economics Review hardly wait for your papers to be delivered via e-mail not later than 31.05.2010.

Until then,  receive our kind regards.

The Main Editor
Mr. Veljko Trivun, PhD.




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