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Scientific Annals of the “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iasi



On behalf of the editorial board of the Scientific Annals of the
“Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iasi, Economic Sciences Section
(SAAIC, ISSN # 0379 – 7864, e-ISSN 2068 – 8717), we are pleased to
communicate to you that we are currently accepting manuscripts for our
2011 issue.
   The journal is indexed by EconLit (The American Economic Association’s
electronic bibliography) and EBSCO, is fully available at the RePec
(Research Papers in Economics – IDEAS, Econpapers, Socionet), DOAJ
(Directory of Open Access Journals), CEEOL (Central and Eastern
European Online Library) and Scirus.
   It is also included in Cabell's Directories of Publishing
Opportunities, ECONIS (Online Catalogue of the ZBW - German National
Library of Economics), ICAAP (International Consortium for Advancement
of Academic Publication), Electronic Journals Library, The Knowledge
Base Social Sciences in Eastern Europe, Scientific Commons, The ZDB,
Intute: Social Science (SOSIG - Social Science Information Gateway),
New Jour, GESIS SocioGuide, Genamics Journalseek, ACNP (Catalogo
Italiano dei Periodici), Google Scholar, IndexCopernicus and
   Authors are invited to submit manuscripts reporting recent developments
in their field. The paper must be an original unpublished work, written
in English, that is not currently under review by other journals.
   All papers should be submitted electronically only, via our website
   Manuscripts should follow the format style of the journal. The papers
should not exceed 30 pages including figures and references, and an
author is only allowed to publish one paper. Detailed background
information on the submission of papers and reviews can be found on the
SAAIC website (
   Submitted manuscripts will receive an initial screening from the
editorial board before entering the double-blind review process. The
SAAIC maintains a rapid electronic submission, review and publication
process. On average, the double-blind review process takes about 2 - 4
weeks. Our goal is to inform authors about their paper(s) within two
weeks of receipt.
The deadline for submission of papers is April 30, 2011.

Kindest regards,

Dr. Ovidiu Stoica
Professor and Editor-in-Chief