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Održavanje Bloomberg Assessment Test-a (BAT)

- Poziv studentima -


Bloomberg Institute u suradnji s Ekonomskim fakultetom Sveučilišta u Mostaru organizira Bloomberg Assessment Test (BAT) kojim bi proveli evaluaciju znanja studenata na području financija. Na ovaj način studenti se uključuju u bazu Bloomberg Institute Talent Search kojom se služe poslodavci u traženju potencijalnih zaposlenika. Test se provodi on-line u trajanju od 3 sata u računalnoj dvorani. Molimo sve zainteresirane da se prijave mail:

jelena.zovko.ef@gmail.com ili igor.zivko@sve-mo.ba



Prednosti polaganja BAT-a su mnogobrojne. Studenti, osim navedenog uključivanja u bazu, čime dolaze u poziciju da ih zamjeti netko od poslodavaca iz cijelog svijeta, dobijaju pristup raznim korisnim informacijama o mogućnostima za praksu ili zaposlenje te ostale bitne i korisne informacije o znanjima i sposobnostima kandidata bitnima za rad i uspješnu karijeru u svijetu financija


"The BAT, is a globally standardized test that evaluates current students and recent graduates for their financial aptitude, general knowledge base and analytical skills. It is 3 hours long and is taken online, in an invigilated computer room. 

Employers worldwide, such as Goldman Sachs, Deutsche Bank, Getco, Bloomberg LP. BNP Paribas and many more, are using it to contact students from Bosnia Herzegovina and around the world for entry level jobs."



Dodatne informacije:



Primjeri pitanja:



Launch Your Career in Finance!

Identify your personal strengths and connect with employers worldwide!


The University of Mostar is offering students the chance to take the Bloomberg Assessment Test (BAT) FREE of charge on campus. By taking the BAT you gain insight into your strengths and weaknesses as relative to a career in finance while at the same time showcasing your abilities to a wide range of financial employers.

After taking the BAT you have the opportunity to enter your profile into the Bloomberg Talent Search - a tool that over 20,000 financial employers are using to find top new talent for financial employment opportunities.  The Talent Search allows employers to view BAT results on an anonymous basis and send connection requests to students that may be a match for their roles.  Being included in the Talent Search allows you to gain access to great career opportunities with absolutely no downside. To participate go to www.takethebat.com and register for one of the upcoming BAT test sessions on campus.


Upcoming Test Session at The University of Mostar

November 30, 2012     12.00 – 15.30    <<click here to register>>

Location: Faculty of Economics, Room 215


Don’t miss this unique opportunity to:


* Identify your personal strengths

* Explore financial career opportunities

* Promote yourself to employers worldwide

* Enhance your CV and distinguish yourself in interviews

* Be contacted for full-time and internship opportunities


The BAT is open to all students and recent graduates interested in pursuing a career in finance and no preparation is necessary, so sign up today! (Space is limited)


Visit the Bloomberg Institute facebook page at www.facebook.com/bloomberginstitute  and check out our YouTube channel http://www.youtube.com/user/BloombergInstitute/videos. Follow us on Twitter @takethebat.










Copyright by: JMD - 2005.